Frankfurt Book Fair
FBF 2024
Jointly organized by The Hong Kong Printers Association and Hong Kong Publishing Federation under the sponsorship by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA), the “Soaring Creativity - Hong Kong Pavilion” aims to showcase the creativity and achievements of Hong Kong's publishing and printing industry to the world. The project has set up “Hong Kong Pavilion” for the eleventh time at Frankfurt Book Fair (FBF) from 16 to 20 October 2024, with Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Berlin as the supporting organization.
This year, more than 70 Hong Kong publishers, printers and electronic publishers participate in the “Hong Kong Pavilion” at FBF, showcasing over 900 excellent publications, print works, and multimedia publications in four exhibition areas, namely “Industrial Zone”, “Corporate Zone”, “Recognition & Achievement Zone” and “Creative Corner”.
Date: 2024-10-16 to 2024-10-20
Venue: Stand No. D122, Hall 5.1, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.